Inside Salisbury: Santas against climate change
Extinction Rebellion ask people to be 'good ancestors'.
by Annette J Beveridge
AN environmental organisation is calling for people to ‘be a good ancestor’ in their latest campaign against the implications of climate change.
Extinction Rebellion has re-launched Santas Against Climate Change for the second year where they ask people to pledge to a child in their life around what they might do to help leave the world a better place for them.
This includes writing out a Christmas card pledge with suggestions of what they could do to improve the climate using greener travel or reducing meat consumption.
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Retired scientist and grandfather, Professor Richard Sharp, said: “It is concern for the future of my grandchildren which motivates me to campaign for more action to address the climate crisis.
”2024 will be the hottest year on record joining the last ten to make the
hottest eleven years since records began. The average global temperature
for this year is already expected to be over 1.5°C. above the 1850-1900
pre-industrial average.”
The campaign has a festive feel with vegan mince pies and Santa Claus outfits and will take place at the EcoHub stall in Salisbury Market today (Tuesday, December 10) and next week on Tuesday, December 17.
Professor Sharp, said: “Even more frightening, data for November shows the average global surface temperature for the month was 1.62°C above the pre-industrial average. November was the 16th month in a 17-month period for which the average temperature exceeded 1.5°C above the pre-industrial average.
“To have any chance of limiting long-term global heating to 1.5°C.
emissions must fall by 45% by 2030.
He added: “The lack of overall concern and understanding is staggering, and we
continue our lifestyles as if it's nothing to do with us. People can
make a difference, they can look at their individual lifestyles, they
can write letters, sign petitions, go on protests and get informed, the
science is out there and has been for forty years.”